After a nice easy drive of about 1 1/2 hrs - we arrived at the historical Swiss city of St Gallen.  This city owes its name to the wandering Irish Monk Gallus who came to the area around 612.  There are many beautiful sites to see amongst the winding alleys & streets- including the magnificent Cathedral, & municipal Church of St Laurence.  Unfortunately the Abbey Library - a UNESCO listed building was closed (during 3 weeks in November)- definitely by all accounts a must to view some other time.  The City Lounge- where art is underfoot- all is painted red.  This area is illuminated by huge stone shaped lamps suspended above the the red lounge. A drink of hot chocolate at Chocolaterie and a great walk of about 3 hours- again a must to return. 
We then drove along the shores of Lake Konstanz to Altenrhein to view the last building designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. - the Altenrhein Marktplatz.  Colouful ceramic columns, tiles & brilliant colours characterise his architecture  Love all his buildings - viewed them first in Vienna last year. Unfortunately the Aviation Museum in Altenrhein was closed for the winter.

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