A trip to the medieval town of Meersburg is a must.
On the way we stepped inside Birnau Church on the shores of Lake Constance.
It is an  amazing example of baroque architecture in Germany,  The interior just  takes your breath away with its unashamed splendour.
On to Meersburg with its quaint alleyways, steep vineyards and of course the medieval castle casting its silhouette over the town.  We walked through the castle viewing more than 30 rooms consisiting of Gothic  & Renaissance Chambers, castle kitchens,Halls of Arms and mnay more. A walk around this beautiful town completed the day - then time to leave as it was wet and chilly.
Saturday greeted us with rain and cold conditions.  Decided to drive to Hechingen to see a castle (what else is there to do?)- Burg Hohenzollern.   We parked the car and waited for the bus to take us to the top of the hill- where castles are always situated.  and- it was snowing!!!!  A very light snow fall of delicate snowflakes landed on our hair, faces and jackets.  We all couldn't stop grinning.  After borrowing an English guide book we joined a tour in German- the only way one was allowed to view some of the state rooms.  By the time we left the castle a very dense mist had settled over all the hills and visibility was Lunch in the town and then on to Sigmaringen- to see another beautiful castle from 1077 - perched high above the Danube River.  We arrived just too late to view inside but walked around the outside and then through this delightful town and their small Christmas market.  An ice rink was set up in the town square- filled with young skaters.
Wow- woke up Thursday to a beautiful sunny day.  Decided to take Jen to the snow - but did not tell her where we were going.  After a drive to the village of Appenzelle where we ate lunch, it was onto Santis.  The drive provided amazingly beautiful scenery - snow covered mountains with greener than green fields.
From Schwagalp - the cable way base station - we caught the Santis cable car to the summit- a 10 minute journey.  Panoramic views were available over the snow covered alps with plenty of time for frolicking in the snow.  A wonderful day with amazing weather
Wet and cold day - winter has set in. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.  We all rugged up - jackets, scarves, boots and umbrellas.
Caught a morning train to Zurich.  What a great day- walked around for hours. From the station walked down the famous Bahnhofstrasse - Zurich's shopping mile - elegant stores lining both sides of the street.   Viewed the St Peter Kirche with Europe's largest clock face.  Visited Fraumünster with the famous Chagall glass windows and the Grossmünster Church.  Jen walked up 187 steps to the Karlsturm   to see breathtaking views of Zurich. 
Lunch was the order next and we found a cute cafe Tschingg-where we ate a light lunch.  Soon we found ourselves on Bürkliplatz - with Lake Zürich and distant alpine views.
From here we decided to visit the Swiss National Museum (housed in a 100 yr old castle) - but in the courtyard of the fairtale castle an icerink was set up.  45 mins later and Jen left the rink - what a good iceskater.  Time now to catch the train home.
Wet day- off to Herblingen to do some shopping.  We all scored with new boots coats and knick knacks.  Late lunch and a brisk walk along the Rhine before dark.

Slow & wet morning before we took off
Took Jen to the Monastery Island of Reichenau.  Weather fined up and we travelled around - viewing the the Monastery Church of St Mary & Marcus, the Cloisters, the baths on the lake and numerous green houses and fields of vegetables.  Saw brussel sprouts growing and bought a big bag of fresh walnuts.
Then on to Konstance - the largest town on the Lake.  We walked by the old warehouse at the harbour and came across an amazing Christmas Market - over a hundred lit up Christmas stalls selling crafts, food, wine and Christmas paraphanalia.  These continued into the Old Stadt- cheerful and fun.
We said hello to "Imperia' the provocative statue keeeping watch over the entrance to Constance harbour since 1993.  The sculptor Peter Lenk has seated in her hands a naked Emperor and Pope - to indicate that both the Clergy and the Gentry enjoyed her services when the papal council took place in 1414-1418. 

Today was wet on and off- we went for a little walk in the morning along the Rhine.  Then off for lunch to a lovely restaurante - Rebstock at the Landgathof Hotel in Stühlingen with Jan & Gitta.
A short drive in the country and then off to see Schaffhausen and its Christmas markets.  Wet but not cold- and lights came on before we came home.
Friday night 2nd December saw Ron & I drive to Zurich airport to pick up Jen.  What a lovely meeting.  Home for hot tomato soup and catch up.
Saturday was time to start sight seeing.  Off we went to visit Radolfzell- a lively 1200 year old town on Lake Constance.  Th attractive town centre was alive with the Christmas Markets.  A Gluewein to start the day- but not quite to Jen's liking.  No matter- her Opa & Wend enjoyed it well enough!  But hot chestnuts straight off the coals- definitely a must. yummmmmmmmmmmm.  Waffle not bad also.  Lunch was eaten standing around a table munching a hot potato & cheese pizza bought from one of the Christmas stalls.  We walked around the small harbour and viewed the Sculpture - Standing Wave "El Niño" on the shores. 
After viewing many early century buildings we left and drove to Stein am Rhein- a town in the canton of Schaffhausen.  Stein am Rhein has a well preserved medieval centre - with many medieval buildings painted with beautiful frescoes.
We walked around this lovely ancient town before heading home - late afternoon.  
On arriving home we were invited to Mryta & Werner's for afternoon tea.  Werner our 82 year old visitor to Perth before we left- decided Australia was enough for him and arrived back in Büsingen- safe thank goodness. 
A lovely day - sun shining and 4 degrees.  A short drive saw us arrive at the very tiny village of Blumenfeld.  We visited the old Blumenfeld Castle which has been converted to an Old People's Home. 
From Blumenfeld we drove through another small village - Immendingen.  Here we saw a small Christmas Market in full swing and walked around.  After listening to the local band playing in the park,  a delicious Hot Cherry Gluewein with lots of floating cherries, a big sugar cinammon crepe and the checking out of many little stalls we drove on.
We finally ended up at Tuttlingen- a larger town. Walked around for a couple hours through the AltStadt and park- and after a lovely day exploring in the weak but welcome sun - came home.
Buying some hot Cherry Wine YumYum!!
After a nice easy drive of about 1 1/2 hrs - we arrived at the historical Swiss city of St Gallen.  This city owes its name to the wandering Irish Monk Gallus who came to the area around 612.  There are many beautiful sites to see amongst the winding alleys & streets- including the magnificent Cathedral, & municipal Church of St Laurence.  Unfortunately the Abbey Library - a UNESCO listed building was closed (during 3 weeks in November)- definitely by all accounts a must to view some other time.  The City Lounge- where art is underfoot- all is painted red.  This area is illuminated by huge stone shaped lamps suspended above the the red lounge. A drink of hot chocolate at Chocolaterie and a great walk of about 3 hours- again a must to return. 
We then drove along the shores of Lake Konstanz to Altenrhein to view the last building designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. - the Altenrhein Marktplatz.  Colouful ceramic columns, tiles & brilliant colours characterise his architecture  Love all his buildings - viewed them first in Vienna last year. Unfortunately the Aviation Museum in Altenrhein was closed for the winter.