Thursday 2nd June saw Ron & I pack our car & drive to the little Swiss village of Wengen - near the Jungfrau, Eiger & Monch.  A lovely drive saw us arrive in 2 1/2 hours from Busingen.  We left the car in the Lauterbrunnen Train station parking area (Wengen is car free)  and trained up the mountain to Wengen. There we met up with our good friends Gloria & George.  Dinner that night was with Gloria & Georges tour group in their hotel. 
Friday- the 4 of us caught the delightful cog train from Wengen back down to Lauterbrunnen.  Here we picked up the car and drove to the entrance of the TRUMMELBACH FALLS.  Wow!!!!  Europe's largest subterranean water falls are located inside a mountain - accessible by underground lift & paths & tunnels.  These falls located in the Lauterbrunnen Valley are part of the valleys 72 water falls.  These glacier waterfalls drain from the Eiger, Monch & Jungfrau - up to 20,000 litres of water per second are carried away with a thundering sound.  Amazing sights of water powering through the mountain awaits you at every twist & turn through the tunnel- whilst spraying you all the while.  Came out slightly damp but awe struck.

After regaining our composure we decided we would like to cable car to the top of the SCHILTHORN- a 2,970 metre high summit in the Bernese Alps. (Actually Ron & I thought it was a good idea & George & Gloria were stuck with us!!)
To get to the top of Schilthorn from the valley floor a series of cable cars must be taken.  The first cable car we boarded in Stechelberg - which took us to Gimmelwald.  Here we changed cars and proceeded to Murren- from Murren another cable car is taken to Birg which sees the final change before the Schilthorn.  I believe this cable airway is the longest one ever built- certainly a most breathtaking trip over the beautiful alps and countryside.
On reaching the top the air was crisp & the view clear & panoramic- spanning the Jungfrau, Monch, Eiger & Titlis to name a few.
After many photos we had lunch in the revolving restaurante named Piz Gloria (haha Gloria was quite chuffed about the name!)  which is where the James Bond movie "On Her Majesty's Service" was filmed.  A famous ski run featured in the film starts here on this summit and leads down below Birg.  A few excerpts of the movie were shown - it was quite exciting (even if slightly corny) seeing where we were- on film.  Finally it was time to leave - as we watched cloud drifts moving across the summit-completely obliterating any view and then drifting away revealing the majesty again.  Four tired people dragged their feet through Wengen at 5pm to their hotel for a well earned drink / coffee.

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