Saturday saw the 4 of us drive into Interlaken- Ron & I to book into our hotel & George & Gloria to spend some time in Interlaken before training back to Wengen.  After walking into the village centre together we bid our farewells. 
That afternoon Ron & I decided to take a little red funicular up to Interlaken's local Mountain- the Harder Kulm.(which is 1322m above sea level).  As soon as the funicular started its ever so steep ascent- I knew I had made a mistake-it was sooooooooooo scary SHIT!!!!  Made it safely to the top and enjoyed amazing views of the 2 lakes below- Thun & Brienz and of course the whole range of snow peaked 4000m high mountains.  Iced coffee from the restaurante's terrace helped and soon we were descending to ground level again.

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