Today we visited a most charming medieval town in South West Germany called Meersburg.  it is situated on Lake Konstanz -the name of the town meaning"Burg on the Lake" - Burg referrring to the castle built around 650. Terraces cascaded down the hillside to the water - lined with half timbered houses. 
There are 2 distinct areas in this ancient town:- the Oberstadt (Upper Town) & the Unterstadt (Lower Town).  To walk between them you go via steps or a steep street.  In the Marketplatz lies a striking 16th century Rathaus.
The town is dominated by 2 castles:-
Altes Schloss (Old Castle) & Neues Schloss (New Castle)
After coffee & cake in an outside cafe, we visited the Old Castle built in the 7th Century.  High up- with beautiful views. This Medieval Castle was ever so interesting with relics of a warring age- clubs, armour, helmets, axes & very different to the lavishly furnished many castles one can visit.  But be careful or you will be lowered down to the dungeon & left to starve to death YUK!!  Also Germany's leading female poetess of the time Annette von Droste-Hulshoff lived there for a few years & died in the castle.  The new castle was under renovations & could not be visited.
On the drive home we stopped off to see the Birnau Church on the shores of Lake Constance.  An example of baroque architecture in Germany- it was unbelievable in its striking facade & richly decorated interior.  A place to admire but definitely not for me a place to pray- whatever my religious beliefs might be!!!  A great finish to the day was a lovely meal in a Greek restaurante by the Rhine, with Ilan, Heike, Ron & I & our friends Jan & Gitta & also Jan's daughter Tercia.
Behave or be lowered into a doorless, windowless dungeon & left there to starve!
Birnau Church

But be careful or you will be lowered down to the dungeon & left to starve to death YUK!!


There are 2 distinct areas in this ancient town:- the Oberstadt (Upper Town) & the Unterstadt (Lower Town). To walk between them you go via steps or a steep street. In the Marketplatz lies a striking 16th century Rathaus.


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