A visit to the Southern Black Forest today.  First stop - St Blasien located in the valley of the Alb at the base of the Feldberg Mountain.  The beautiful Abbey Church dominating this town was rebuilt in 1768 after a fire.When entering the church one is immediately overwhelmed by the beauty of white marble and majesty.  The dome of St Blasien is the third largest in Europe and truly a magnificent structure.  After a lunch of pizza & coffee at a local cafe we drove to another lakeside village- Schluchsee-the town & Lake are both called by the same name.  The Schluchsee is the highest reservoir in Germany & largest lake in the Black Forest.  Being such a lovely day, we all walked for an hour around part of the lake.  Little electric boats lined a jetty waiting for the summer crowds to descend- and an odd fisherman was sighted trying his luck. 
Next stop was Titisee which was formed during the last ice age. Just 10,000 years ago, a glacier extended from the Feldberg to the present-day lake. The basins gouged out by the glacier now form the basin of Lake Titisee.
Lake Titisee is perfect for swimming, sailing, windsurfing, and for a
stroll along the water front.  The very touristy village is pretty & alive with shops & stalls of all desriptions & has beautiful glass wear for sale.
Dome of St Blasien
St. Blasien southern Black Forest Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany -former prince abbey of the Benediktine order sundial at one of the old buildigs of the abbey
Little electric boats by the shore of Schluchsee
Walking around Lake Schluchsee
Strolling along the shores of Lake Titisee

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