Hello there- we arrived back in our beloved Busingen on Wednesday 18th.  I must say I don't travel well and arrived at Zurich airport tired and grumpy -then we missed the 9.01am train to Schaffhausen 'cause our luggage took ages to emerge and had to wait for the 10.01am train (yep you heard right -1 minute to the sec passed the hour!!!)
However everything was perfect when we rocked up to the flat.  First a mug of coffee and some apple cake appropriated from the plane and then off to the shops for supplies.
A walk along the Rhine confirmed our belief that this is paradise- the water so clear and still that the opposite side was mirror reflected in the glowing sun. 
This is Spring and the ducks can be seen everywhere along the Rhine gathering materials to build their nests - some already proudly settled in.  Tulips & daffodils are unfolding their petals before our very eyes- and trees are blossoming before they reveal their delicious summer fruits. 
4/20/2012 10:57:44 am

sounds amazing!!! i love it when the spring flowers start opening! I'll hopefully see you there sometime in May. xxx


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