Ron's cousin Ilan & his girlfriend Heike are here in Busingen with us for a week.  We have lots of fun together.  We were doing another church appraisal (not a lack of those in Europe!!) in Konstanz.  I noticed a wall of panelling with a row of doors along the edge & carelessly commented on all the hiding places a church concealed- especially one as old and huge as this one.  Well my dear Ron decided to see what was behind one of those doors- the next moment saw the door still closed but minus a handle.  oh oh  I disappeared from the scene and left Ron there to get a 'handle' on things (Hmmmm)  Hysterical laughter followed outside this very ancient church. AND NO he didnt bring home a souvenier- Ron being the handyman he is stuffed the handle back in its rightful place!!!!! 
On our way home from Konstanz
  stopped in the town of Radolfzell-a town on Lake Konstanz- pretty with an interesting naked (whoo hoo) sculpture by the lake!
The church that lost & found a door handle!!!!!!
On the Lake Front at Konstanz
Wends being very good & only patting the head of the naked man!!!!
Ron, Ilan & Heike at Randolfzell by the edge of the Lake
Another side of the sculputure!!!! Still only patting the head!!!

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