After much running about in the morning we found ourselves driving towards a Unesco World Heritage Site- The Island of Reichenau- a Monastery Island inhabited as early as 724.  It lies in Lake Constance in Southern Germany & is linked to the mainland by a causeway.  3 main churches remain on this 5km x 2km island- which includes the Monastery Church itself-St Mary & Marcus.  Medieval Monastic architecture is evident in the churches. This very pretty Island is best explored by cycling or walking and is dominated by fields of garden produce of vegetables, greenhouses, vines, orchards & vast areas of nature reserves - especially reeds around the scenic lakeshores.  Many cafes and hotels are here & this Island is a popular holiday venue for many Germans.
Last night we decided to join the cultural set of Schaffhausen and went to the Haberhaus cellar to see a puppet show by NZ puppeteer Neville Tranter.  The show was "Punch & Judy in Afghanistan" which I thought was a fairly topical subject.  The performance was good, funny in parts but I felt the material itself was lacking.  - Meeting Punch Bin Laden in Tora Bora lacked a bit of punch (haha)- though Neville could hardly be held accountable for the recent change of status of the man himself.  But an interesting hour.


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